St. Peter’s is looking for our ​next rector!

St. Peter’s church is committed to a transparent ​and inclusive transition process. We will ensure ​that everyone in the congregation is kept aware of ​how the search is progressing, and has a voice in ​the future of the church.

We’ll be updating this page regularly as the ​transition progresses.

If you have any questions, ​suggestions, or concerns, please contact a member of the vestry directly, or email us at !


Transition Timeline



This page will be regularly updated as we progress through the process of finding our next rector. For previous updates, please click here – there you’ll find everything posted throughout this process in case you’ve missed anything! 

Search Committee Update – March 16, 2025 – Preparing our Parish Profile


The Search Committee was officially Commissioned on Sunday, November 24, 2024.  Since that time, the Committee has met on an of average of 2x/month; Mondays from 5:00-6:30.  The Committee’s first official meeting was with Rev. Virginia Tyler Smith, the Diocesan Transition Coordinator.  At that meeting, Virginia shared the Diocese of Rochester Transition chart which outlines the process to be followed for hiring a new Rector.  The first phase in this process is Information Gathering, during which the parish undergoes a self-study.  The following is a chronological timeline of the Committee’s progress to date.

  • In December, each of the 9 members of the Search Committee completed the survey, “36 Characteristics of a Parish Priest”. The results were compiled and reported back to the Committee in early February by Rev. Virginia Tyler Smith.
  • In early January, the Search Committee wrote a Collect to be used weekly by Fr. Rich Towers at Sunday services. In addition, the Search Committee begins each meeting by praying this Collect.
  • In mid-January, Rev. Virginia Tyler Smith attended a coffee hour after the 10:00 Service to conduct information gathering activities with the congregation.
  • In January thru early February, each member of the congregation was encouraged to complete the Holy Cow survey.  A total of 90 members of St. Peter’s completed the survey.  Holy Cow reviewed the results of the survey with the Search Committee on Feb. 19th and on Mar 2nd with the congregation.
  • Late February – early March, a survey was conducted to gain input from St. Peter’s Community Arts Academy (SPCAA) faculty & staff and the Support Board on what qualities they would like to see in the new SPCAA Head of School, who will also be the Rector of St. Peter’s Church.
  • In March through early April, members of the Search Committee have volunteered to host small group meetings to further discuss the Holy Cow survey results, the search process and future parish direction.
  • The end of March, the Search Committee will begin the next step in the Transition Process, completing Profile materials used for the posting for a new Rector. The Search Committee will be meeting with Rev. Virginia Tyler Smith to begin completing the “11 Profile Questions”.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact any of the 9 members on the Search Committee.

What St. Peter’s Offers Our New Rector

  • A vibrant, engaged, and committed congregation–grateful for our ​history and excited to embrace the future
  • A church family that is warm, loving, and eager to welcome any and all ​into our fold
  • A robust parish operation, with a full-time priest and eight staff ​members
  • A peerless music program, from our four choirs to the St. Peter’s ​Community Arts Academy (with over 300 enrolled students currently)
  • A dedication to ministries that serve our community, including ​Neighbor’s Night, our Food Pantry, and more.
  • A beautiful location in Geneva, NY, in the heart of the Finger Lakes
  • Beautiful buildings and grounds in excellent shape, following a recent ​capital campaign that saw our church, parish hall, and adjacent SPCAA ​building completely renovated and refurbished to the highest ​standards
  • Solid financial standing, with a strong congregational dedication to ​pledging and a healthy endowment

What St. Peter’s Is Looking for in a Rector

Details to be provided in the fall, following our Parish self-study ​and information gathering phase.

Get to Know St. Peter’s Church


Search Committee

St. Peter’s is thrilled to announce our Search Committee! We are grateful for the devotion and dedication of the following members in helping us find our next rector.

Deborah J Proffitt (Co-Chair):  Deb is a retired school administrator from the Canandaigua City School District, who served over 30 years in education.  Although Deb started her career as a teacher, upon receiving her school administrative degree, Deb held various administrative positions in surrounding public school districts including Director of Special Programs, Elementary Principal and Assistant Superintendent of Instruction.  In addition to a career in education, Deb also served on several Boards and committees, including the Geneva Boys and Girls Club, Ontario ARC and Ontario Ethics Committee.  Currently, Deb holds a part-time “fun” job in retail. Deb and her husband, Stan, were both active members of St. Peter’s from approximately 1995-2002. During that time, they served as ushers, chalice bearers and readers.  In addition, Stan served on the Vestry and Neighbors Night whereas Deb served as a Delegate. They both returned to St. Peter’s in June 2023.  Still residing in Geneva, they are happy to be back home at St. Peter’s.

Greg Van Laeken (Co-Chair): Greg has been a dedicated member of St. Peter’s since 1999. He served on the Vestry from 2008 to 2017 and has been a member of the Diocesan Investment Committee since 2013. Greg and his wife, Gwen, were married at St. Peter’s and their three children, Collin, Elizabeth, and Henry were baptized and confirmed at St. Peter’s. Professionally, Greg is the Managing Director for Investments at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), where he oversees multiple investment portfolios for the university. He also shares his professional expertise as an adjunct professor of finance at the Saunders College of Business at RIT, teaching courses in international finance and derivatives. Greg has been a valued part of the RIT community for 19 years. Prior to working at RIT, Greg spent over 10 years working as an interbank dealer of interest rate and currency derivatives in both New York City and Zurich, Switzerland. He holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and an MBA, both from RIT.

Christopher Arthur: Chris has been a member of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church for 30 years.  He is the oldest of nine children and was raised Catholic. His family moved a lot, and he attended eleven different schools before settling in Geneva when he was a junior in high school. Chris served in the Air Force as an air traffic controller and completed his BA in Management from Keuka College. Chris owned his own janitorial business for thirty-five years, so it made perfect sense when he joined St. Peter’s staff as the sexton eleven years ago. Since 2018, Chris has taken great pleasure in serving as the cook for the Neighbors’ Night program. Other vocations over the years have included being an outdoor educator at Cornell University and a leader of men’s personal growth trainings. Chris has a special love for the Adirondacks and is a 46’er. He resides in the City of Geneva with his wife Sharon. They have three grown children and three grandchildren with another one on the way!

CB Edgar:  CB identifies as a cradle Episcopalian as he was baptized and confirmed at the same church where his grandparents and great grandparents were buried. He has been continuously active in the Episcopal Church as a youth advisor, confirmation sponsor and godparent, as well being active in Cursillo, and the Order of Saint Luke the Physician.   He has completed extensive christian education, including Logos Bible Study, and Education for Ministry. Before retirement, CB was an engineer/manager at Qualcomm, and he is excited for the opportunity to bring his vast Christian life experience to the calling process.

Dave Gallaher:   Dave considers himself a cradle Episcopalian, having grown up in Christ Church in Hornell, NY where he sang in the Junior Choir and served as an acolyte. Dave served in the Navy during Viet Nam and then married his wife Nancy in Sayre, PA in 1969 prior to moving to Geneva.  They joined St. Peter’s in 1972 as “there were babies needing fetchin’ up in the church”.  Since becoming a member of the congregation, he has served as an acolyte, chalice bearer and visiting lay eucharistic minister.  After multiple terms on the vestry, he served as Jr. & Sr. Warden. When Dave retired from his career at the hospital, he enrolled in and completed the four-year program administered by The University of the South, “Education for Ministry”.  He served several years as Lay Delegate to the Diocesan Convention.  Dave also served two terms on the Diocesan Commission on Ministry where he was involved in updating and rewriting the section on the Ministry of the Laity. He is currently a pew filler, Chalice Bearer, Lay Eucharistic Visitor and Lay Reader.  Dave’s 53 years involvement with St Peter’s have been educational, challenging and ultimately spiritually fulfilling.

Sue Mook:  Sue was born and raised in Geneva and have attended St. Peter’s as long as she has lived in Geneva, her whole life!!! Sue was confirmed at St. Peter’s, married at St. Peter’s and has three beautiful children, Jocelyn, Joseph, and Abigail Arruda all baptized at St. Peter’s. Sue’s first husband, Bill Arruda, is interred at St. Peter’s columbarium and her mother is interred there as well and the beautiful window in the chapel was donated in her mother’s memory. Sue’s dad, Joe Marino, is currently a member of St. Peter’s as well as her siblings, Jo Reale and Amy Shoemaker, and their families.  Fr. Adams officiated at Sue’s second marriage to Brian Mook as well. Brian has been received into the Episcopal church and they share a strong faith in God.  St. Peter’s has been a second home to her and the people of St. Peter’s are a second family to her; supporting her through her darkest days and rejoicing in all my blessings as well.  Sue was very active in St. Peter’s during her youth attending many Youth Group events. In her adulthood, she was proud to serve on the vestry for two terms and she enjoys being active during services including offering the readings and prayers of the people.  Sue has been an RN since graduating from Keuka College in 1996 and she is currently working as the Director of Quality Improvement and Accreditation for Ontario County Public Health.  Sue is very excited to be a part of the search committee for the next rector at St. Peter’s because it is a special place to many. She is certain with the amazing people of St. Peter’s along with the guidance of a supportive priest, St. Peter’s will continue to be home to many generations to come.

Josephine Perry: Josephine was born and raised in Rochester, NY.  She attended and graduated from Catholic schools in the city.  She received her BS (1962) and MS (1965) from SUNY Geneseo where she met and married Kenneth Perry.  It was here that they both joined the Episcopal church.  After completing their degrees they moved to Geneva, NY, raising 2 daughters.  Josephine retired from teaching in 1997 after 35 years.  She now has 4 grandchildren and one great grandchild.  Josphine and her husband joined Saint Peter’s Church in 1962 and feel that it is their home and family.  Josephine has been active in the community, diocese, and various organizations.  She has served on the Diocesan council, represented the NE district, served on the library finance board, Foundation for the Library board, Historic Geneva board, has served on the Vestry at St. Peter’s and served as junior and senior Warden. Josephine has also been the church’s treasurer and serves in any capacity needed by the congregation.  In 2000, Josephine was awarded the Diocesan award for Distinguished Community Service from Bishop McKelvey.  St. Peter’s is a huge part of her life, and she considers it a family and home, with people that love and support her.  She is proud to be part of this wonderful place.

James Trowbridge: Jim and his wife Wendy joined St. Peter’s Church in 1994 and are thrilled to be part of the St. Peter’s Community! Jim can often be heard playing multiple instruments, singing, or coordinating the Neighbor’s Night Program at St. Peter’s Church. He and his wife have been members of St. Peter’s Church for 30 years and have been blessed to have their three boys grow up in our loving faith community.  Jim is a recently retired Instrumental music educator from Midlakes High School and is also an adjunct faculty for HWS through their education department.  Jim is grateful to have the opportunity to help in the search for the new permanent rector of St. Peter’s Church.

Wendra Trowbridge: Wendra is the Director of Music at St. Peter’s Church and is the Director of the Community Children’s Choir program at SPCAA.  Part of her time is also spent as an adjunct vocal instructor at Hobart and William Smith Colleges. She came to St. Peter’s in 1994 with her husband, Jim.  They joined the adult choir, and shortly after, Wendra was hired to direct the children’s choir program.  Her experience teaching vocal music in NY public schools and time spent singing with a missionary group prepared her for the position.  She and her husband have been members of St. Peter’s church for 30 years and their 3 boys were also raised within the St. Peter’s church family.  Wendra is grateful to have the opportunity to help in the search for the new permanent rector of St. Peter’s church.

St. Peter’s Transition FAQ

Q: We’ve known Father Adams was retiring for a while now... why aren’t we farther along in this process ​already?

A: This is something the vestry initially struggled with as well: we originally planned to start many of these activities ​over six months ago. However, in discussions with both Father Jim and the Diocesan leadership, we learned of the ​importance of taking this process step-by-step: and the first step is focusing on saying “farewell” to the departing ​rector.

While we are all excited about what the future holds for our church, it’s no secret that we’re all left with heavy hearts ​after saying goodbye to Father Jim and Sue: and it’s important that we’ve been able to focus on saying those ​goodbyes and process those feelings. It’s only after the departing rector has left that the search process can begin. ​Again, this was the counsel of the Diocese, Father Jim wholly supported it--and now having been through the farewell ​banquet and the final service with Jim and Sue, we can see it was the right decision.

Q: It seems like a long wait to not even start gathering information from the parish until the fall.

A: The vestry is anxious to begin the process as well--our initial plan was to begin the survey immediately after Father ​Jim and Sue headed off to LDBC. However, the deeper we dived into the process, the more problems we found. It is ​crucial that we’re able to get input from everyone in the congregation--we all need a voice in this process. And with ​summer vacations and travel plans, we found it would be difficult--if not impossible--reach everyone if we attempted ​this over the summer. Hence why we're going to begin the survey process in earnest in the fall.

Q: Why are we choosing to employ an interim rector rather than taking applications for the position of rector ​right now?

A: Our church is exceedingly active, and multiple programs use our buildings daily. We need an experienced priest ​to help keep all our ministries and programs up and running while we take needed steps to find a rector. The ​process to find a new rector will require surveying our congregation to help determine what we need and want in a ​rector. This will take time and careful consideration.

While we work through the steps, we need to provide our congregation and ministries with a full time leader and ​that requires more time, effort and skill than can be provided by supply clergy who perform religious services on ​Sundays.

Q: What can I do to help?

A: In the short term, start thinking about St. Peter’s! Start thinking about exactly what you love about this church, ​what is most important to you--and yes, think about anything you’d like to see changed or improved. As noted above, ​the next step in this process will be gathering information from everyone in the parish. So start thinking about what ​qualities you’d like to see in our next rector, and what you’d like from the next leader of our parish!

Q: Who should I talk to if I have questions?

A: Your vestry is available to answer any questions that come up during this period. It’s natural to feel uncertain ​about this process--this is something St. Peter’s hasn’t done in over four decades! We welcome any questions, ​concerns, or suggestions from anyone at any time. You can reach the vestry at .

Q: How long is the process expected to take? That is, how long until we have a new full-time rector at St. ​Peter’s?

A: This is a very difficult question to answer. The short answer is: we don’t know. The reality is that there are fewer ​rectors seeking new parishes right now than there were when Father Adams was a young priest. The reality of the ​situation is that it could take a full year or longer to find a full-time rector. We don’t want anyone to be scared by that ​answer--we may very well find our perfect rector much sooner than that. But it’s critical that we approach this ​process with the goal of finding the right rector.